Author's posts
Sep 11
A Death at Chaos Manner
Jerry Pournelle is dead. He died recently in his sleep according to his son as posted on his website. I’d love to say I was a huge fan of his sci fi, but really, I think I’ve only read Lucifer’s Hammer. That was pretty much because I was a Larry Niven fan at the time. …
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Feb 06
Final Fantasy XV
I just finished playing Final Fantasy XV. By finished, I mean that I’m done. I completed the main story a little while back and have been exploring the post game quests and dungeons. I finished the legendary weapons quest line, but I only made it through three of the bonus ‘menace’ dungeons. I’ll get into …
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Oct 01
Rebel Galaxy (PC)
The space genre was dead for many years. Now, all of a sudden we’ve got Elite: Dangerous, and No Man’s Sky and, perhaps, Star Citizen. That might be a weak line up for shooters, but it’s a renaissance for the space sim. In to this comes Rebel Galaxy. It’s sort of a cross between …
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Jun 29
Game of the Week: Infamous Second Son
I still think Infamous was better than Prototype. There were a lot of cool things in Prototype, but throwing them all together didn’t create a great game. Of course, I might be bitter that we got Prototype instead of a follow up to Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Infamous had its share of problems, but it managed …
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Nov 04
Mad Max
Mad Max is an open world action adventure game set in the wasteland world Max inhabits in the movies. Though it has some locations and links to Fury Road, the story is not from any of the movies. It’s another odyssey on Max’s journey to find peace. Of course, it’s bleak, violent, cruel and post …
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Feb 22
Zen Pinball Announces Iron and Steel Tables
No, it’s not the Shaq superhero table. It’s Wild West Rampage and Castlestorm tables. The double table pack will be available this coming week for all platforms except Wii U. Here are the descriptions from Zen: YEEEEHAAAW! The Wild West Rampage table stars Cindy, a bold bounty hunter who arrives in the western town of …
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Feb 19
Steam New Releases
This used to be a dead time of the year for game releases. We’d have a couple that just missed the Christmas window releasing in January and then nothing until the end of the first quarter. Medieval Engineers — Early Access — From the Space Engineers company only more grounded. It’s sounds like it’s still …
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Feb 16
Technical Difficulties Part III
How loathsome are hackers? Even when they’re not directly attacking my site, they exploit code for any vulnerablities. Any code base not actively being supported is considered too dangerous to use. So apparently my previous blog theme used some PHP code calls restricted to version 5.2. So when my host stopped providing support for 5.2, …
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Feb 13
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Impressions
I briefly touched on the fact that Shadow is a fun, compelling game. There are bugs and flaws, but he total experience rises so far above them that they seem inconsequential. The game realizes its goal of making you feel part of an epic adventure and tied in to the saga of the rings. So …
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