Category: Tech

A Death at Chaos Manner

Jerry Pournelle is dead.  He died recently in his sleep according to his son as posted on his website.  I’d love to say I was a huge fan of his sci fi, but really, I think I’ve only read Lucifer’s Hammer.  That was pretty much because I was a Larry Niven fan at the time. …

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Playstation Vita

My wife got me a Playstation Vita as an anniversary gift. She wasn’t pleased that the only edition available locally was the Walking Dead Vita. Fortunately, it’s a plain Vita bundled with a game code for the Telltale Walking Dead game. I assured her I wouldn’t take any added meaning to the gift. Since I …

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Xbox One and the PS4

Now that Microsoft and Sony have had their big next generation console press conferences, we should have a level field to compare them.  Unfortunately, neither side wanted to play ball.  Sony made their pitch at developers while showing lots of games and no hardware beyond the controller.  Microsoft made a pitch for the unified living …

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Earth is Safe

Lookout is the antivirus software on my android phone.  It scans in the background, but it also scans any time an app is updated.  Most of my apps are ‘trusted’ apps and allowed to update on their own.  Every once in a while Google updates Google Earth.  Once it does, Lookout scans it.  Then I …

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Sony Defense Force

Sony had their Playstation 4 press conference on the 20th of February. Some have wondered why the seemingly sudden announcement. Personally, I think it’s a good sign. Sony actually recognizes that they’re in trouble. They used to dismiss signs of trouble with the wave of an imperious hand. Now they’re reacting to a problem like …

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This is kind of cool.  Bluetooth powered stickers so you never lose that remote again. StickNFind. Yes, it’s another kickstarter (ok, Indiegogo) project, but it’s already funded.  I can think of a few people who could use this as a gift.

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A Few Updates

Microsoft Bluetooth Keyboard

I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while. It’s been busy lately. Combine that with my wife being away on business trips and the stomach flu, the site has been neglected lately. I did want to give you some updates. First, Planetary Annihilation was fully funded with all stretch goals. That means that Galactic War …

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Ipad Apps Stuck on Waiting

I’m not a big Apple user. In fact, the new Ipad was my first Apple purchase for myself in years. More on that in a minute. First I’d like go over the resolution to a problem I had with the app store. Normally when you purchase an app in the store, you select buy and …

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Hack Attack

Update: Apple has suspended phone password resets for the time being. Amazon and Google are emphasizing security in the same article. I guess words do matter. Original Post: I’ve had the site hacked a few times over the years. It’s always painful and frustrating. That’s part of the reason sections of the site are locked …

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Swarms of Flying Robots

Where have I heard that before?  This brings out the kid in me.  Way back when I was learning to program, I tried to move sprites around like this and had collision problems.  I can’t imagine three dimensional collision detection.  Still, the results are a lot of fun. Click Continue Reading for the video. Thanks …

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