It’s hard to believe that we’re already through another E3. That might make more sense for me since I’m also finding it hard to believe that my little baby is about to start walking. It’s amazing how much time flies when you’re always busy. I have gotten a bit more gaming time in. I’ve been …
Tag: vita
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Jan 14
Playstation Vita
My wife got me a Playstation Vita as an anniversary gift. She wasn’t pleased that the only edition available locally was the Walking Dead Vita. Fortunately, it’s a plain Vita bundled with a game code for the Telltale Walking Dead game. I assured her I wouldn’t take any added meaning to the gift. Since I …
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Sep 05
Game of the Week: Playstation All Stars Battle Royale
I’m nowhere near a fighting game expert. I never count frames of animation or worry about hit box overlap. However, I have been playing fighting games since the original Street Fighter II arcade cabinets came out. I played a lot of Street Fighter and the clones that followed. The clones were trying to piggyback on …
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Feb 21
Sony Defense Force
Sony had their Playstation 4 press conference on the 20th of February. Some have wondered why the seemingly sudden announcement. Personally, I think it’s a good sign. Sony actually recognizes that they’re in trouble. They used to dismiss signs of trouble with the wave of an imperious hand. Now they’re reacting to a problem like …
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Feb 13
Ex Early Adopter
The momentum is building for the PS Vita launch. Reviews are coming out for the system and the launch games. The fans are getting hyped up. The early adopters are awaiting their tracking numbers or calls from the their game store. It doesn’t look like there will be long lines for the Vita or a …
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