It’s hard to believe that we’re already through another E3. That might make more sense for me since I’m also finding it hard to believe that my little baby is about to start walking. It’s amazing how much time flies when you’re always busy.
I have gotten a bit more gaming time in. I’ve been playing Watch Dogs on the PS4. I’ll put those thoughts in a separate post, but the game does serve as a reminder that we’re firmly wedged between console generations. There are some real next generation moments in Watch Dogs. It still bears a strong resemblance to another pooch, Sleeping Dogs. In some ways it hasn’t caught up to GTA V ( recently announced for PS4 and XBone).
There’s been a lot of talk about how so many of the games announced this E3 are not slated for this year. To me that’s good news. 2015 titles might actually start delivering on the promise of next gen. I understand though since we just went though a spate of titles expected for this year being pushed into next. The next Batman is a bit disappointing, but again, it’s still good news since WB clearly wanted regular Batman releases, but is willing to push it back to maintain the quality of the series.
So what’s went on at E3 for me? I’m not happy with the limited Vita announcements. Maybe it’s just me. I’d think that Vita game development would be a great stepping stone between the mobile and indie scene and console development. Perhaps consoles aren’t perceived as the future any more. Certainly trendsetters would have you believe that. Not every indie is going to have a hit within their first two games. Eventually they need money to keep going. Pitching some ideas to Sony seems like a great idea. You can get funding, advertising and other promotion, and even if you don’t do gangbusters sales there’s a good chance of ending up getting on Playstation Plus.
There were some games that trickled out information that caught my eye at E3. There’s a RPG pinball game called Rollers of the Realm. No Man’s Sky keeps looking more intriguing. I’m always up for a new Rainbow 6 game. I just hope they’ll include a little information on single player in the near future. Dreadnaught is always a great name and the concept sounds fun as well. Sunset Overdrive and MGS V: The Phantom Pain have sucked me in. I really want the Order 1886 and Tom Clancy’s The Division to be good. Do I even have to mention that I (and my family) want LittleBigPlanet 3?
I always seem to get sucked into Assassin’s Creed games. Unity should be one of their best coming from a French company depicting one of the most bloody times in French history. I’m in wait and see mode on Shadow of Mordor, The Sims 4, Grey Goo, The Witness and Destiny.
I will say the Microsoft and Nintendo had good enough showings to push me closer to getting off the fence and purchasing a console. Below, Sunset Overdrive, Scalebound, Project Spark, Fantasia, the new Crackdown and Quantum Break are tempting me to grab an Xbone. While the WiiU has already pushed close to a purchase point with the recent release of Mario Kart 8. I’m eying Hyrule Warriors, Super Smash Brothers, Captain Toad, Xenoblade, and Project Giant Robot to make a purchase a necessity. A price drop for either one would make the decision easier.
Overall, this fall looks fine, but not outstanding. Next year looks pretty awesome. I mean two of the top games I waiting for this fall are Diablo III and Last of Us Remastered. As usual, I’m pretty excited about the future of gaming.