Tag: gaming

PlayStation at 20

The Playstation Blog had a bunch of Sony bigwigs and developers list their favorite PS One games.  Just reading their lists brought back tons of great memories.  I thought I’d do mine quickly. Battle Arena Toshinden — This is not a classic game like most of them on the list, but it was one of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/12/playstation-at-20/

Rocket League Announced for PS4

I’ve mentioned before that Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars for the PS3 was one of the surprise PSN hits for my family.  It’s certainly one of the games that got the most hours last generation.  In essence, it was soccer played with RC cars that could jump, boost and blow each other up. Well, I’m ecstatic …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/12/rocket-league-announced-for-ps4/

Instant Update: Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor (PC)

In short, I can’t stop playing.  Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is a fun, compelling game.  It thrusts you behind enemy lines with a wicked skill set that just keeps growing.  You constantly get more deadly.  While few of the parts are shiny and new, they’re put together masterfully.  I grabbed the PC version because …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/10/instant-update-middle-earth-shadow-of-mordor-pc/

Instant Update: Injustice Gods Among Us

I picked up Injustice: Gods Among Us (PS4) on a PSN sale recently.  I’m definitely more in the Capcom/Street Fighter camp than the Mortal Kombat camp, but I’ve enjoyed them as a diversion.  I also enjoy superhero games.  There are far too few good ones. I haven’t had much time to play, but I did …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/08/instant-update-gods/

Instant Update: Super Hexagon

I still suck at this game.  I just don’t see the path fast enough and reactions can’t compensate any more.  At least I only waste a few seconds per try.  I think I’ll go back to Threes.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/08/instant-update-super-hexagon/

Gamers are Different

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while.  Video games change the way you dream.  One of the things I’ve love about games is the way they encourage flexible thinking.  I’m also a fan of increased agency in dreams, games and real life.  Future games should give us more freedom to choose our own …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/08/gamers-are-different/

Newsblurb: Frozen Endzone is now Frozen Cortex

Call it Frozen Cortex.  Apparently the developers were tired of the ‘Frendzone’ jokes and the confusion about the game simulating American Football.  The robot players and randomly generated field weren’t enough to distinguish it from Madden.  Or maybe the NFL isn’t as universal as we Americans like to think it is.  Regardless, anything from the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/08/newsblurb-frozen-endzone-is-now-frozen-cortex/

Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn

I had been meaning to pick up Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, but it got hard to find.   For a while people were asking outrageous prices.  The prices have finally come down.  I was considering getting it when a bunch of reviews for Gundam Reborn started showing up.  I found it interesting that many of them …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/07/dynasty-warriors-gundam-reborn/

Playstation Top Sellers for June 14

Playstation Blog just announced the top sellers for June.  I’ll list the ones that catch my eye: PS4 Watch Dogs — Playing this now, very fun, always something interesting to do. Valiant Hearts: The Great War — World War I is underrepresented, so I bought it. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes — I have …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/07/playstation-top-sellers-for-june-14/

E3 2014

It’s hard to believe that we’re already through another E3. That might make more sense for me since I’m also finding it hard to believe that my little baby is about to start walking. It’s amazing how much time flies when you’re always busy. I have gotten a bit more gaming time in. I’ve been …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2014/06/e3-2014/