Super Hexagon is a strange game. You die. You die over and over again. You actually fall into a rhythm of dying. It’s not about succeeding. It’s about surviving as long as you can. The only controls are your left and right buttons. Think of it like Pacman only you’re chased by the maze itself …
Category: Gaming
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Apr 05
Game of the Week: Nimble Quest
If you’re one of those people asking why no one ever crossed the old cellphone game snake with an 8 bit RPG, what am I saying? People don’t ask those questions. It’s really only the kind of thing that comes up in a brainstorming session. However, in the case of Nimble Quest, it turns out …
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Apr 04
Lucasarts Memories
Disney is closing Lucasarts studios. While I still can’t suppress a little smile when I see the Lucasarts logo at the start of a game, it’s been a long time since the glory days of the game makers. The first Lucasarts game I played was actually a Lucasfilm Games division effort called The Eidolon. It …
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Mar 29
Game of the Week: Doodle Jump
Doodle Jump is a game so simple it could be easy to overlook. Still, sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. I suppose you could classify it as an endless runner only vertical. Your only job (usually) is to get as high as you can. Of course, that’s like saying that a pinball table is …
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Mar 15
Game of the Week: Star Wars Pinball
I’m trying to give a little variety in the game of the week. I’m also trying to reflect what I play. I wish I had time for more grand strategy gaming, turn based tactical or even some strategy RPG’s. I have limited time and even more limited gaming time. So I try to pack as …
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Mar 08
Game of the Week: Assassins Creed III
I’ve played all the main games in the Assassins Creed series. I’ve enjoyed most of them. The only one I haven’t finished is AC2: Revelations. I’ll probably finish it up sometime, but after the excellent Brotherhood, it didn’t really grab me. As I mentioned previously, I was really looking forward to III since it took …
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Mar 01
Game of the Week Puzzle Saga
I want to do more regular updates. So I’m going to try to do a game of the week. Admittedly, most of these will be apps since that’s the bulk of my game time these days. I’ll try to mix in some classics, indies, and big budget games as well. I’ll probably shoot for Fridays, …
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Feb 21
Sony Defense Force
Sony had their Playstation 4 press conference on the 20th of February. Some have wondered why the seemingly sudden announcement. Personally, I think it’s a good sign. Sony actually recognizes that they’re in trouble. They used to dismiss signs of trouble with the wave of an imperious hand. Now they’re reacting to a problem like …
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Feb 02
Puzzle Saga (iOS)
I haven’t been playing too much lately. I finally completed a full run through Borderlands 2. It’s a great game. The only other game I’ve been playing recently is Puzzle Saga on my iPad. I’ve been meaning to write up a post on why I enjoy it. For now, I’ll just say it’s like the …
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Oct 10
XCOM Impressions
Even with my backlog, I wasn’t going to be able to resist Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, Carrier Command, Dishonored, and XCOM releasing in short order. I played a little original Borderlands (anyone else think about ‘Keep on the Borderlands’ every time they see that title?) to dull some of the desire there. Carrier Command sounds …
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