I haven’t been playing too much lately. I finally completed a full run through Borderlands 2. It’s a great game. The only other game I’ve been playing recently is Puzzle Saga on my iPad. I’ve been meaning to write up a post on why I enjoy it. For now, I’ll just say it’s like the …
Tag: Strategy
Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2013/02/puzzle-saga-ios/
Oct 10
XCOM Impressions
Even with my backlog, I wasn’t going to be able to resist Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, Carrier Command, Dishonored, and XCOM releasing in short order. I played a little original Borderlands (anyone else think about ‘Keep on the Borderlands’ every time they see that title?) to dull some of the desire there. Carrier Command sounds …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2012/10/xcom-impressions/
Oct 03
A Few Updates
I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while. It’s been busy lately. Combine that with my wife being away on business trips and the stomach flu, the site has been neglected lately. I did want to give you some updates. First, Planetary Annihilation was fully funded with all stretch goals. That means that Galactic War …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2012/10/a-few-updates/
Sep 08
Galactic War
Update: The kickstarter achieved $1.8 million last night so the Galactic War is on. The next stretch goals are an orchestral score and a documentary about the making of the game. Original post: It’s probably a good thing that I don’t have $350,000 to spare. Otherwise, I’d be making a huge investment in Planetary Annihilation. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2012/09/galactic-war/
Aug 25
Games I’m Looking Forward To
Most people do these lists at the beginning of the year. I’m doing mine before the fall rush. Of course, I’m not limiting myself to games that are releasing this fall. In fact, I’m not really limiting myself at all. Heck, I might even throw in a game or two that been released, but I …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.talkstrategy.com/2012/08/games-im-looking-forward-to/
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