It’s been a bit wild at our house recently. My son Mark was born. It’s easy to forget how much a newborn shakes up your life. It doesn’t get easier after the first one. You just have less of the mind numbing fear. Sleep is down, dirty diapers are way up. Then right as we’re getting adjusted there, strep throat hits our house. It hit most of us, but me hardest. If anyone had asked, that’s the way I’d want it. After all I’d rather be miserable than see my kids suffer. And if Mommy is down, we all suffer. We were all happy the baby didn’t get sick. Still, I’ve still been pretty miserable recently with the aches and fever. I’ll be glad when the illness has run it’s course. I’m also thankful we got antibiotics right away. The last time this hit me hard I suffered for a while before going to the doctor. The results were so awful even I won’t be that stupid again.
Now, I’m starting to feel better and Mark’s starting to sleep better. Maybe things will settle down at least until school starts. You don’t realize how big your kids have grown until you see them next to a newborn and remember holding them at the same size. Children are such a blessing, but they are not easy. We’re happy to have another blessing and the extra work.