It’s hard to believe how fast time has been moving. Just yesterday, I thought I’d get back to a game I’d been playing recently. When I went to start it up, Steam was happy to inform me it had last been played in September. I could have sworn it wasn’t more than a couple weeks.
I’ve been doing some behind the scenes work on the site. I’m probably going to redirect the main site to the blog and provide links back. WordPress is much easier to manage than the old CMS and keeps getting better. I’m still debating on things like comments and forums, but overall I’m getting pretty comfortable with the idea of blogging. Obviously, I don’t have the time any more to keep doing the site the way I was.
I do have plenty I want to talk about. It’s about time for a new computer. The next generation of handheld gaming devices are coming out. They’ll soon be followed by the next generation of consoles (which some believe will be the last). We’ve got Move and Kinect battling the Wii for waggle dominance. I still manage to play some traditional games now and then. I’m also doing more smart phone gaming. Speaking of phones, I moved from WebOS to Android. Let’s have a moment of silence for the old Palm.
Mostly, I just wanted to post that I’m alive and thinking about what I can do to be able to say the same for the site. The old emails still work if you want to send me your thoughts.
Happy New Year.