Instant Update: Injustice Gods Among Us

Superman_940x375newsWelcomeI picked up Injustice: Gods Among Us (PS4) on a PSN sale recently.  I’m definitely more in the Capcom/Street Fighter camp than the Mortal Kombat camp, but I’ve enjoyed them as a diversion.  I also enjoy superhero games.  There are far too few good ones. I haven’t had much time to play, but I did manage to get through the tutorials and the story mode.  The PS4 version is the complete edition with the expanded roster.  They don’t show up in story mode.

The tutorials are pretty good, but I had trouble mastering the timing of some of the advanced combos.  The story mode was surprisingly compelling.  I literally kept playing just to see what happens next.  They even managed to make Aquaman compelling and fun to play.  Yes, the difference in power levels is sort of brushed away with krytonian power dust.  That doesn’t take away from the fun.  It also allows DC to put forward their most interesting roster.

The arc of the story may be a simple examination of what heroes need to do to be worthy of the power they wield, but it’s put together like a well oiled machine.  This is classic DC superhero mash up storytelling at its best with full bombast. There’s plenty more to the game including online and local multiplayer, STAR labs challenges and an arcade mode and ending for each character.  It speaks volumes that I feel I got my money’s worth with just the story mode.  With Arrow and Flash coming up along with Agents of SHIELD and a whole summer of heroic movies, Injustice fits in nicely.  Recommended.

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